

Description of project objectives InnovaSaúde.

◾To establish an open innovation model among the different healthcare agents of the Autonomous Community of Galicia what will enable to enhance its knowledge, capacities and potentials.

◾To find systematically and planned carefully innovative solutions to respond to challenges and current and future requirements of healthcare systems. To manage results from its genesis in order to ensure its implementation and that they benefit the greatest number of patients, not ending with a pilot test.

◾To develop business models to make the best use of generated products and services in the frame of collaborative projects carried out.

◾To bring together complementary companies from different fields around high-valued health tractor projects which allow the opening of new business lines and the entry into new markets. In this way, it will boost the development of this field in the Autonomous Community of Galicia and the whole field in Spain.

◾To establish a new model of relationship in order to favor quick and lasting synergies among the different agents of the Healthcare ecosystem; Galician Health Service (SERGAS), different administrations such as the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), companies and centers of knowledge.
InnovaSaúde will promote the Public Innovative Purchase (CPI), an Innovation Policy tool focused on bolstering the innovation and the internationalization by the coordination and strengthening of the technological demand. The CPI will be the engine which will push the health innovation and the generation of new goods and services witch which the entrepreneurial sector will be able to compete in an international level.